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Legal Paperwork

An easy to follow guide to the legal paperwork you need to complete for your Wedding at The Mill Forge near Gretna Green

To be legally married you must present the M10 Marriage Notice Forms and other relevant documents along with the necessary payment to Gretna Registry Office no sooner than three months and no less than 29 clear days before your wedding date.

Legal Paperwork – M10 Forms

These documents should all be presented to Gretna Registry Office, Central Avenue, Gretna, DG16 5AQ no sooner than three months before and no later than 29 days before the date of your wedding.

  • A Marriage Notice Form (M10) for both bride and groom.
  • Birth certificates for both bride and groom. (Must be original birth certificates)
  • If either or both parties have been married previously and the marriage ended in divorce, annulment or dissolution, then a certificate of divorce or annulment or a certified copy decree or decree of dissolution. A degree nisi is not acceptable. (Must be original documents)
  • If a former spouse is deceased then a death certificate would be required. (Must be original documents)
  • If either party has not been a resident of the UK for 2 or more years then a certificate of non-impediment from the country they live in would be required.
  • Relevant payment. Contact Gretna Registry Office on 03033 333004 if you are unsure of the amount.

If you are having a religious wedding ceremony, you will have to collect your Marriage Schedule from Gretna Registry Office before your wedding and then return it (it can be posted through their letter box) within 3 days of your wedding ceremony.

Gretna Registration Office
Central Avenue
Dumfries & Galloway
DG16 5AQ

Telephone Number
03033 333004

E-Mail Address
